What Is Google Analytics 4 and Why Should You Migrate?Google Analytics is a powerful data analytics platform. In this article, we discuss Google Analytics 4, the newest version of Google Analytics, how it can be beneficial to your business, and why you should prioritize migrating to it.
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Google Analytics 4 and eCommerce Tracking All interactions on your site or app are now recorded as events, as part of the new data model that Google Analytics 4 relies on. This article explains how eCommerce tracking has changed in GA4, compared with UA.
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GA4 Migration GuideIn July 2023, Universal Analytics will stop collecting data, so you need to migrate to Google Analytics 4, the next generation of Google Analytics. In this article, we break GA4 migration down into phases to guide you through your implementation.
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Understanding Data Streams in Google Analytics 4Data streams in Google Analytics 4 replace and improve on several features from previous versions of Google Analytics. This article explains what data streams are, how to set them up, and some things you should keep in mind when working with them.
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GA4 vs. Universal AnalyticsGoogle Analytics 4 (GA4) has several differences from Universal Analytics. It’s more compliant with privacy regulations, it’s made events more customizable, and it’s spun out some functionality into other products.
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Understanding Google Analytics 4 Organization HierarchyThe Google Analytics hierarchy is different in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) compared to Universal Analytics. This article explains the changes to the hierarchy in terms of accounts, properties, and data streams, and how user permissions work in GA4.
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Benefits and Limitations of Google Analytics 4 (GA4)Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the next generation of Google's web and app analytics platform, replacing the previous version, Universal Analytics (UA). This article outlines GA4’s benefits and limitations in comparison to its predecessor.
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What are the New Features of Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?The Google Analytics platform is undergoing some major changes with the introduction of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This article explains the biggest new features of GA4 and how they will benefit your online business.
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