Node.js SDK
Integrate your Node.js app with Mixpanel

Don’t go through the pain of direct integration. RudderStack’s Node.js SDK makes it easy to send data from your Node.js app to Mixpanel and all of your other cloud tools.

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Easy Node.js SDK to Mixpanel Integration with RudderStack

RudderStack’s open source Node.js SDK allows you to integrate RudderStack with your Node.js app to track event data and automatically send it to Mixpanel. With the RudderStack Node.js SDK, you do not have to worry about having to learn, test, implement or deal with changes in a new API and multiple endpoints every time someone asks for a new integration.

Popular ways to use Mixpanel and RudderStack
Enable real-time dataAutomatically send real-time data to marketing analytics, product analytics and business analytics tools
Cross-platform trackingTrack the entire user journey across platforms without the technical headache
Hot-swap analytics toolsSend existing data feeds to new analytics tools with a few clicks
Frequently Asked Questions

Mixpanel is a powerful user analytics platform that allows businesses to track customer engagement with their products or services. It provides insights into user behavior, helping you make informed decisions about how to improve your product or service. Here's how to leverage the power of Mixpanel:

Event Tracking: Begin by determining which actions (events) are most critical to your business. These might include actions like account creation, product purchase, or feature use. Mixpanel allows you to track these events, giving you a clear understanding of how users interact with your product or service.

User Segmentation: Mixpanel allows you to segment your users based on their behavior, demographic information, and other attributes. This can help you understand how different user groups are interacting with your product, allowing you to optimize for different segments.

Funnel Analysis: This feature allows you to visualize the steps users take towards a specific event (like making a purchase). You can identify where users are dropping off and optimize your product to improve conversion rates.

Retention Analysis: Mixpanel's retention analysis tool allows you to track how often users return to your product after their first visit. This can help you understand how sticky your product is and identify ways to improve user retention.

A/B Testing: Mixpanel allows you to run A/B tests, so you can experiment with different features or designs and see which one leads to better outcomes.

Automated Insights: Mixpanel's machine learning algorithms can automatically surface interesting trends and anomalies in your data. This can help you identify new opportunities or potential issues without having to manually comb through your data.

Journeys: This feature lets you visualize the paths users take through your product, from first touch to conversion. This can help you understand the user experience and identify potential areas for improvement.

Predictive Analytics: Mixpanel can predict future user behaviors based on past data. This can help you proactively address potential issues and seize opportunities.

Integrations: Mixpanel integrates with other tools, allowing you to pull in data from other sources or push Mixpanel data to other platforms. This can help you create a more comprehensive view of your customers and their behaviors.

Remember that Mixpanel is a tool, and its effectiveness depends largely on how you use it. Be sure to clearly define your goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) before diving into the data. That way, you can ensure that you're focusing on the metrics that matter most to your business.

With Rudderstack, integration between Node.js SDK and Mixpanel is simple. Set up a Node.js SDK source and start sending data.

First, configure Node.js source and Mixpanel destination connection in your RudderStack control plane.

Then, install Node.js SDK for RudderStack in your app


npm install @rudderstack/rudder-sdk-node


Then comes the SDK initialization. Here’s a sample javascript code snippet for the same


const RudderAnalytics = require("@rudderstack/rudder-sdk-node")

const rudderstackClient = new RudderAnalytics(WRITE_KEY, <DATA_PLANE_URL>/v1/batch)


Then, you can start sending different types of events such as track, identify, page, etc.


// Track event, equivalent to mixpanel.track function of mixpanel node sdk


userId: "1hKOmRA4GRlm",

event: "Item Viewed",

properties: {

revenue: 19.95,

shippingMethod: "Premium",



// Identify event, equivalent to mixpanel.identify function of mixpanel node sdk


userId: "1hKOmRA4GRlm",

traits: {

name: "Alex Keener",

email: "",

plan: "Free",

friends: 21,




You might have noticed that with identify events, you can send traits property as well. This is similar to `mixpanel.people.set` and `mixpanel.people.append`.

While we’re discussing server-side implementation, the browser-side implementation is not much different. For client-side tracking, just add the RudderStack javascript library (similar to Mixpanel js library - mixpanel-browser) in the frontend html head.

Check out Mixpanel integration docs on RudderStack documentation website.

Yes, it is open source. You can check out the code on GitHub.

Choosing to use RudderStack's Node.js SDK can greatly improve your customer engagement by enabling a more holistics view of a customer journey, boosting your website's performance and offering easy integration with a multitude of other products, marketing, and analytics tools. While the Mixpanel library lets you dispatch events solely to Mixpanel, RudderStack’s Node.js expands this functionality, allowing events to be sent to numerous other destinations and enabling more use cases.

Another benefit is the flexibility for developers. Because you don’t need to hardcode the project token in `mixpanel.init` function, rather you can manage the token via RudderStack control plane, this enables you to manage config in a better way. If you need to change the mixpanel project for your app, you can simply change it from the RudderStack control plane dashboard. If you decide to use a different tool for analytics, you can simply do so via the RudderStack control plane, without the need to change anything in the app's source code.

It reduces development time by eliminating the need to navigate and stay updated with the mixpanel API documentation and the docs of all the tools you integrated using RudderStack.

However, if you would rather integrate directly using the Mixpanel library directly, the necessary guidelines can be found at Regardless of your chosen integration method, the analytics can be reviewed via the Mixpanel project dashboard.

Pricing Node.js SDK and Mixpanel can vary based on the way they charge. Check out our pricing page for more info. Or give us a try for FREE.

Timing can vary based on your tech stack and the complexity of your data needs for Node.js SDK and Mixpanel.

Yes, RudderStack streamlines the integration and management of your connection between Node.js SDK & Mixpanel, but you check out our guide on How To Send Data From Your Node JS App to Snowflake to learn how to connect the tools manually.

Use the Mixpanel integration with other popular sources
Use the Node.js SDK integration with other popular destinations
About Mixpanel

Mixpanel is an analytics platform that lets you track in-app user interactions, helping you build better products, manage retention and fully optimize your customer experience. RudderStack significantly simplifies implementation of Mixpanel, making it easy to send user data and user profiles from your mobile app (Apple’s iOS, Android). In addition to tracking mobile applications, you can send page views and other user behavior data from your website. Once you install one of RudderStack’s SDKs, all you need is your Mixpanel project token (from your Mixpanel account) and you can start tracking all kinds of data for all kinds of use cases.

About Node.js SDK

RudderStack’s open source Node.js SDK lets you start sending event data from your node code to a wide range of popular marketing, sales, and product tools such as Mixpanel, Google Analytics, and more. Node.js SDK helps use internal queues to ensure that the different calls (identify and track) are non-blocking and fast.