Algolia Insights Integration

Connect Algolia Insights and send data to Algolia Insights with Rudderstack.
DestinationEvent StreamCustom

To integrate Algolia Insights as a destination in the RudderStack dashboard, you must configure the Algolia API Key and Application ID. Once successfully configured, events from RudderStack will start flowing to Algolia directly.

Add Algolia Insights as a destination in RudderStack and:

  • Send events related to your customers' product usage to the Algolia Insights dashboard
  • Record e-commerce events, such as product list viewed and order completed
  • Translate RudderStack customer events into Algolia events to feed your search analytics
Available via webhookSend event data to Algolia Insights by enabling webhooks in your RudderStack dashboard, then using our Transformations feature to shape the payload for the Algolia Insights API. Once enabled, RudderStack will forward events to Algolia Insights (note, this requires leveraging cloud API endpoints for Algolia Insights ).
Frequently Asked Questions

Algolia is a popular website search and discovery platform that enables you to create cutting-edge customer experiences for your website and mobile apps. The AI-powered search makes Algolia a perfect mediator between you and your customers and ensures engaging conversation.

Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database and search engine used to store unstructured data. On the contrary, Algolia is a search engine that offers search APIs to perform searches.

Algolia comprises a search engine built from scratch, implemented in C++, and hosted inside an NGINX server, as an NGINX module. The Algolia engine is designed for mobile devices, as an offline, embeddable SDK, before transforming it into an online API.

Use the Algolia Insights integration with popular sources
57 Integrations
About Algolia Insights

Algolia is an AI-powered website search and discovery platform that helps you build cutting-edge customer experiences for your e-commerce website and mobile apps. It offers enhanced online engagement, increased conversion rates, and better user lifetime value. Algolia lets you determine how customers use your product by leveraging its Insights API for advanced analytics, A/B testing, personalization, and recommendation.