How To Send Data From Your iOS App to Klaviyo

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, marketing automation platforms enable businesses to move fast while keeping a personal touch in their customer communications. Klaviyo is one such marketing automation platform that enables personalized, omnichannel messaging. To fully leverage Klaviyo's capabilities, it's crucial to integrate it with various apps of your business including the iOS and Android mobile apps. Kalviyo allows detailed tracking of user behavior and the delivery of tailored messages across various channels.

This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to successfully integrate Klaviyo into your iOS app, covering everything from the installation of Klaviyo's iOS SDK to tracking events and identifying users.

Understanding the basics of Klaviyo

What is Klaviyo?

Klaviyo is a powerful marketing automation platform designed to help businesses of all sizes deliver personalized communication across channels such as email, SMS, and mobile push notifications. It stands out in the crowded field of email marketing with its emphasis on data-driven decision making and personalized messaging.

One of the key features of Klaviyo is its ability to integrate seamlessly with various e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce. This integration allows businesses to sync their customer data and track their customers' behavior across different channels, providing valuable insights for targeted marketing campaigns.

Klaviyo also offers a wide range of automation features, including email automation, SMS automation, and social media automation. These features enable businesses to create highly targeted and personalized campaigns that resonate with their customers, resulting in increased engagement and conversions.

Benefits of using Klaviyo for your business

Using Klaviyo can bring a multitude of benefits to your business. It offers an intuitive interface that enables you to effectively manage and leverage user data. With Klaviyo, you can design and deploy personalized email campaigns, automate customer journeys, and gain valuable insights to optimize your marketing strategies.

One of the major advantages of using Klaviyo is its advanced segmentation capabilities. Klaviyo allows you to segment your audience based on various criteria, such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographic information. This level of segmentation enables you to deliver highly targeted messages to specific customer segments, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Furthermore, Klaviyo provides robust reporting capabilities that allow you to track the performance of your marketing campaigns in real time. You can easily monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and revenue generated to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

In addition to its core features, Klaviyo offers a wide range of integrations with popular marketing tools and platforms. This allows businesses to leverage their existing marketing stack and seamlessly integrate Klaviyo into their workflow. Whether you're using CRM software, social media management tools, or analytics platforms, Klaviyo can integrate with them to create a unified marketing ecosystem.

Getting started with Klaviyo

Getting started with Klaviyo involves a few key steps:

1. Create an account: Visit the Klaviyo website and sign up for an account. Klaviyo offers a free plan, which is great for small businesses or those just starting out.

2. Set up your profile: Once you've created your account, you'll need to set up your profile. This includes basic information about your business, such as your website URL and the type of products or services you offer.

3. Integrate your platforms: Klaviyo integrates with a wide range of e-commerce platforms, website builders, and other marketing tools. You'll want to set up these integrations so that Klaviyo can start pulling in data. This might include integrating with Shopify for e-commerce data, Mailchimp for email marketing data, or Facebook for social media data.

4. Import your contacts: If you have an existing list of contacts, you can import them into Klaviyo. You can also set up a sign-up form on your website to start collecting new contacts.

5. Create lists and segments: Once you have some contacts, you can start organizing them into lists and segments. This will allow you to target your marketing efforts more effectively.

6. Start building campaigns and flows: With your contacts organized, you can start building your first campaigns and flows. A good place to start might be a welcome email flow for new subscribers or a promotional campaign for an upcoming sale.

Now that you have a working Klaviyo account, you can go ahead in utilizing its ability to integrate with other platforms such as your iOS app.

Configure iOS app for Klaviyo integration

Apple’s iOS platform is a popular choice for building mobile apps for businesses. Integrating Klaviyo with an iOS app will bring the benefits of personalized communication to your iOS app users.

Integrating Klaviyo with an iOS app is straightforward. Kalviyo provides REST APIs as well as an iOS SDK. Klaviyo iOS SDK makes it easy to interact with Klaviyo APIs. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the iOS SDK which is written in Swift as it is the easiest way to get started with the integration.

Let’s go ahead with the steps involved in configuring the integration with the iOS app using Klaviyo iOS SDK.

Installing necessary dependencies

First, you need to install Klaviyo's iOS SDK. You can do this using CocoaPods by adding the following line to your Podfile:

pod "KlaviyoSwift"

Then run `pod install` to install the SDK.

Importing the Klaviyo iOS SDK your code

Import the SDK in your `AppDelegate` file or any other place you want to use it.

import KlaviyoSwift

Initializing the Klaviyo iOS SDK

Initialize the SDK with your Klaviyo public API key in `AppDelegate.swift`, within `application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions`:

KlaviyoSDK().initialize(with: "YOUR_KLAVIYO_PUBLIC_API_KEY")

Remember to replace `YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY` with your actual Klaviyo public API key for authentication.

Sending data from your iOS app to Klaviyo

Now that Klaviyo iOS SDK is configured, let's explore how to send data from your iOS app to Klaviyo.

Send custom user events to Klaviyo

You can now send events using the `create` method. This method takes an event name and customer properties and event properties as parameters.

let klaviyo = KlaviyoSDK()
let event = Event(name: .StartedCheckout, properties: [
"Total Price": 10.99,
"Items Purchased": ["Hot Dog", "Fries", "Shake"]
], identifiers: .init(email: ""),
profile: [
"$first_name": "Blob",
"$last_name": "Jr"
], value: 10.99)
klaviyo.create(event: event)

Identify user traits

You can collect additional user identifying traits with the `set` method. This method takes a dictionary of customer properties as a parameter.

let profile = Profile(email: "", firstName: "Blob", lastName: "Jr")
KlaviyoSDK().set(profile: profile)
// or setting individual properties
KlaviyoSDK().set(profileAttribute: .firstName, "Blob")
KlaviyoSDK().set(profileAttribute: .lastName, "Jr")

Please note that this is a basic example. Depending on your use case, you might need to customize your implementation. For example, you might want to track more events or handle errors properly. Check out Klaviyo iOS SDK docs for more information.


Integrating Klaviyo into your iOS app can significantly enhance your marketing efforts by enabling personalized, data-driven communication. By sending data from your app to Klaviyo, you can utilize its advanced segmentation and personalization capabilities to deliver messages that truly resonate with your customers. We explored how to set up Klaviyo for your business and integrate it with your iOS app. This will enable you to transform your marketing strategy and drive customer engagement to new heights. Check out RudderStack's ios App to Klaviyo integration.

Don't want to go through the pain of direct integration? RudderStack's iOS SDK makes it easy to send data from your iOS app to Klaviyo.