Unity SDK Integration

by RudderStack
Connect Unity SDK and send data from Unity SDK with Rudderstack.
SourceEvent Stream

The RudderStack Unity SDK allows you to capture the DeviceID for identifying the user. It helps to track the users across the application installation. The SDK also allows you to capture additional information about the user during the gameplay. For example, additional information about what moves or weapons were frequently used. So, businesses can analyze what features are most used or likely favored within their game and offer exciting upgrades.

Frequently Asked Questions

RudderStack Unity SDK allows sending event data generated from your game application to different marketing and analytics platforms. Unity SDK is a wrapper for the iOS and Android SDK making it easy to collect game event data from different devices.

Unity is a popular cross-platform game engine with a built-in Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is highly used to develop video games for web plugins, desktop platforms, consoles and mobile devices.

To upgrade the Unity SDK, remove all the files related to RudderStack SDK from the Plugins folder. Also remove the RudderUnityPlugin folder completely before importing the newer version of the SDK.

Use the Unity SDK integration with popular destinations
223 Integrations
About Unity SDK

RudderStack’s open-source Unity SDK acts as a wrapper on top of our Android SDK and iOS SDK and allows sending user event data generated in games. By integrating this SDK, you can track and send your game event data to your preferred destinations for further analytics.