Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics
Integrate Klaviyo with Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics
Don't go through the pain of direct integration. RudderStack’s Klaviyo integration makes it easy to send data from Klaviyo to Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics and all of your other cloud tools.
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Easy Klaviyo to Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics integration with RudderStackRudderStack’s open source Klaviyo integration allows you to integrate RudderStack with your Klaviyo to track event data and automatically send it to Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics. With the RudderStack Klaviyo integration, you do not have to worry about having to learn, test, implement or deal with changes in a new API and multiple endpoints every time someone asks for a new integration.Popular ways to use Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics and RudderStack
Query marketing dataImport analytics-ready marketing data into your warehouse. Select the data points you need and sync with the click of a button.
Break down marketing data silosCombine all of your marketing data to build a full understanding of the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Build more effective campaignsUnderstand which content is valuable to which segments and build higher-performing marketing campaigns.
Frequently Asked Questions
Depending on the format, there are multiple ways to export data from Klaviyo, whether manually, through a native integration or through a data platform like RudderStack.
There are two primary ways: First, you could write your own code script to pull the data and load it via API. Second, you could use an ETL integration provider like RudderStack to load the data automatically.
Building your own integration between Klaviyo and Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics costs engineering time, while ETL providers like RudderStack generally charge by the number of rows loaded.
Use the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics integration with other popular sources
About Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Synapse Analytics (previously Azure SQL Data Warehouse) is an analytics service that combines data warehousing capabilities with Big Data analytics. It offers a unified data engineering platform to ingest, explore, manage, and serve your data for analytics and Business Intelligence. You can query data on your terms, using either serverless or dedicated computing resources based on your requirements.

About Klaviyo

Send targeted e-mail campaigns, track and measure all user activity, and generate revenue