Easily combine customer data from every source đź‘Ť
Sync your most valuable data to every tool
Deliver value to every team faster by syncing insights from your warehouse directly to business tools
40,000+ sites and apps run RudderStack
Break data silos for good

From "Leads don’t match the user database..."
When teams operate in siloed SaaS tools, multiple versions of the truth slow the business down and create confusion—and the customer pays the price.

...to "We have the data to drive more signups"
RudderStack builds and syncs a single source of truth in your warehouse, so you can move from debate to decision and deliver powerful customer experiences.
Building a practical data stack for growth
‎Get a detailed breakdown of the stack architecture you can use to fuel every tool with rich data from your warehouse.
Expand the impact of your warehouse
The insights in your warehouse are only as powerful as their business impact. When you send that data directly to marketing and product tools, your warehouse can deliver impact across the company.
Quickly set up and monitor pipelines from your warehouse or data lake directly to over 200 SaaS tools.
Ensure every team has data in the right format, with the right field names, no matter the source table.
Push your customer 360 to business tools or access it through a real-time API.
Andrew Hall, VP of Data and Analytics at Canada Drives
Sync any table in your warehouse to any downstream tool.
Write SQL queries to join or model data, then sync the results.
Enable non-technical users to map column names to fields to customize syncs.
Enable non-technical users to build audiences on top of a table using simple operators.
Customize payloads to match the exact needs of any destination, no matter how complex.
Schedule syncs via CRON jobs, Airflow, or a standard scheduler.
Unlock ROI from your warehouse investment
When you help downstream teams turn warehouse data into results, it improves the ROI of your warehouse investment and positions you as a strategic partner, not a cost center.
No more CSVs
Stop exporting CSVs for your marketing and product teams and start pushing warehouse data directly into their tools.
Centralized data control
Control the source of truth in the warehouse and automatically update the rest of the stack.
Faster time-to-value
Get critical data to the teams that need it instantly, without any custom integration work.