‎‎RudderStack for Customer Success Teams

Build deep, lifelong customer relationships

Turn customer data into actionable knowledge so you can solve problems proactively and delight customers at every interaction.

40,000+ sites and apps run RudderStack

Understand what drives loyalty

Use data to identify the patterns of your most valuable customers and make smart decisions to drive higher LTV from every customer.


Increase in likelihood to renew

RudderStack's CS team focused their efforts using a powerful health score to increase customer renewals

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"Our whole team relies on the views we built on top of our customer 360 from RudderStack Profiles to guide their work day-to-day, and I’m proud to say they really do form the bedrock of how I run our organization."

Katie West, Head of Customer Success at RudderStack

Make data the driving force behind customer success

Quickly assess customer health at a high level, and drill down into details that matter customer by customer with a unified customer view.

See unified data from every source and system

Collect and unify customer data from your website, product, CRM, and customer success platforms without ever exporting a CSV.

Discover and diagnose customer problems early

Catch every red flag to identify potential problems and get ahead of them before they turn into complaints and churn risk.

Make every customer relationship deeper

Use your data to proactively understand and engage your customers, ensuring they’re getting maximum value from your brand.

When your data team uses RudderStack, customer success can get confident about customer health

Being a data-driven company is a team sport. RudderStack handles the data and integrations so you can spend time on what counts most for your business.

All the right information at your fingertips

With an accessible customer 360, it’s easy to incorporate customer data into everything you do to drive customer success.


Respond to every issue with full context
Collect and unify every relevant data point, so you can create a cohesive customer service experience.

Drive efficient customer engagement
Know when and how to proactively communicate with your customers to keep them happy and healthy.

Increase customer LTV
Identify opportunities and drive your customers toward the actions that create delight for them and drive value for you.

Continue exploring


Customer success integrations

Easily send customer data to all of your favorite tools


Transforming customer success

Learn how RudderStack's CS team became a data-driven machine


Customer 360 benefits

Find out how to drive better outcomes with a customer 360

Get started today

Start building smarter customer data pipelines today with RudderStack.
Our solutions engineering team is here to help.