Connect SIGNL4 and send data to SIGNL4 with Rudderstack.
CategoryIncident ManagementType

Use SIGNL4 to enable your operations and business teams to respond more effectively to critical alerts, major incidents, and urgent service requests. By integrating SIGNL4 with RudderStack, you can send customer data from your website, mobile app, or cloud application without writing any code. Once the source is configured, all that’s left is simply adding the SIGNL4 destination and events will start flowing with the schedule you choose.

Add SIGNL4 as a destination and:

  • Track and collect all your customer data from a variety of sources, including web and mobile applications
  • Send notification events to SIGNL4 in real-time
  • Collect relevant alerts and details related to user engagement and other real-time insights
SIGNL4 is a mobile alerting software facilitating an anywhere incident response