Nielsen DCR

Connect Nielsen DCR and send data to Nielsen DCR with Rudderstack.
CategoryAttribution PlatformsType

With RudderStack, you can seamlessly send your event data from a variety of data sources to DCR. All you need to do is configure DCR as a destination in RudderStack. Once enabled, events collected by RudderStack will automatically start flowing to DCR in real-time.

Add Nielsen DCR as a destination in RudderStack and:

  • Get all your event data across multiple sources to DCR within minutes without manual instrumentation
  • Record user information and account information into DCR automatically
  • Skip development process and save time for other important technical issues
Digital Content Ratings (DCR) offers a comprehensive measurement of digital content consumption across all major devices and platforms. Media sellers can use DCR to reduce ad wastage and drive revenue growth by effectively monetizing inventory across platforms for content with ads that do not match linear television ads and content with no ads at all.


Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) system measures all kinds of display and video ads across all digital platforms except Twitter and YouTube apps on mobile phones and tablets providing a true cross-platform view of your digital audience across different screens.

Nielsen DCR is a third-party offline attribution platform that provides acquisition insights and analytics.

Nielsen TV ratings or Nielsen ratings are the audience measurement systems that determine audience size and composition of television programming in the US using a rating system.

Pricing for Nielsen DCR can vary depending on your use case and data volume. RudderStack offers transparent, volume-based event pricing. See RudderStack's pricing.