IBM DB2 Data Warehouse Integration

Connect IBM DB2 Data Warehouse and send data to IBM DB2 Data Warehouse with Rudderstack.
DestinationEvent StreamCustom

With RudderStack, you can seamlessly send your event data from a variety of data sources to your DB2 warehouse. All you need to do is configure DB2 as a destination in RudderStack. Once enabled, events collected by RudderStack will automatically start flowing to DB2 in real-time. You also need not define a warehouse schema before sending your event data, as RudderStack will automatically do that for you. 

By Integrating IBM DB2 with RudderStack, you can:

  • Warehouse your data from multiple sources seamlessly in real-time
  • Avoid tedious, time-consuming warehouse schema definitions
  • Perform cutting-edge analytics on your warehoused data without worrying about its consistency
Available via webhookSend event data to IBM DB2 Data Warehouse by enabling webhooks in your RudderStack dashboard, then using our Transformations feature to shape the payload for the IBM DB2 Data Warehouse API. Once enabled, RudderStack will forward events to IBM DB2 Data Warehouse (note, this requires leveraging cloud API endpoints for IBM DB2 Data Warehouse ).
Frequently Asked Questions

IBM DB2 Data Warehouse is a IBM data warehouse that enables developers to send data from their Data Warehouse.

Difficulty can vary based on your data structure, data cleanliness and required destinations. Many users choose to simplify implementation by sending warehouse data through secure IBM data warehouse integration tools like RudderStack.

Pricing for IBM DB2 Data Warehouse can vary depending on your use case and data volume. RudderStack offers transparent, volume-based event pricing. See RudderStack's pricing.

IBM Db2 is an analytics data warehouse that offers a high level of control over your data and applications. It is easy to deploy and manage and provides flexibility while letting you control your data. It is ideal for private clouds and containerized app deployments.

Yes. Db2 uses structured query language (SQL) to access the data in Db2 tables.

Yes. IBM Db2 is a relational database delivering advanced data management and analytics capabilities for transactional workloads

About IBM DB2 Data Warehouse

IBM DB2 is a highly flexible data warehousing solution, ideal for private clouds and containerized app deployments. With its elastic scaling and fast querying capabilities, DB2 is ideal for operational analytics needs. With DB2, you have the perfect data warehouse to modernize your data management.