ActiveCampaign Overview

Marketing automation and CRM platform that makes it easy to drive customer engagement and retention.


You can easily set up ActiveCampaign as a source in RudderStack within a few minutes. Once successfully configured, RudderStack automatically integrates with ActiveCampaign and ingests the specified data. This data can then be routed to your data warehouse or any other third-party destination supported by RudderStack.

By adding ActiveCampaign as a source in the RudderStack dashboard, you can:

  • Collect your raw events and data from ActiveCampaign and ingest them into RudderStack
  • Schedule data import from your ActiveCampaign account to RudderStack
  • Securely send data to third-party destinations or data warehouses
Frequently Asked Questions

ActiveCampaign is a popular Customer Experience Automation Platform that helps businesses create optimized customer experiences by automating marketing, sales, and support processes.

ActiveCampaign's lead scoring capabilities empower marketers to prioritize contacts based on actions or inaction. It helps them track contacts' engagements and plan future messaging and outreach.

Use the ActiveCampaign integration with popular destinations
18 IntegrationsAbout ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is a customer experience automation tool that allows you to connect and engage with your customers. It lets you virtually set up automation tasks, such as triggered email campaigns, automated segmentation, dynamic email content, and more, making it the ideal choice for marketing and automation.