How To Send Data From Your Next JS Site to Apache Kafka

Are you looking for a way to send data from your Next.js site to Apache Kafka? In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of setting up your Next.js application and integrating it with Apache Kafka.

Understanding Next.js and Apache Kafka

Before we dive in, let's take a moment to understand what Next.js and Apache Kafka are and why they are a great combination.

What is Next.js

Next.js is a popular open-source framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) React applications. It is built with javascript and Node.js. It provides developers with a number of benefits, such as automatic code splitting, server-based routing, and optimized performance.

With Next.js, you can build scalable and performant web applications with ease. The framework allows you to create pages and components that are optimized for search engines and social media sharing. It also supports hot reloading, which means that you can see the changes you make to your code in real time.

What is Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka, on the other hand, is a distributed event streaming platform that allows you to build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. It is used by many companies to handle large-scale data streams and process them in real time.

With Kafka, you can handle millions of events per second and integrate them with other applications. It is designed to handle high volumes of data and is scalable, fault-tolerant, and durable.

Kafka has three main components:

  • Kafka Producers: Producers are responsible for publishing data to Kafka.
  • Kafka Brokers: Brokers are responsible for storing data in Kafka.
  • Kafka Consumers: Consumers are responsible for reading data from Kafka.

Why use Next.js with Apache Kafka?

Next.js and Apache Kafka are a perfect match for building low-latency real-time applications. Next.js provides developers with a powerful framework for building user interfaces, while Kafka enables us to handle real-time large-scale data streams and integrate them with other applications.

Here are some real-world use cases for streaming data from Next.js to Kafka:

  • Real-time analytics: Kafka can be used to stream data from Next.js to a real-time analytics platform, such as Apache Spark or Hadoop. This allows you to analyze data as it arrives, which can be used to make better business decisions. By using Next.js with Kafka, you can build scalable and performant applications that can handle millions of events per second. You can also create real-time dashboards and visualizations that update in real-time as new data arrives.
  • Event-driven architecture: Kafka can be used to implement an event-driven architecture (EDA). This is a pattern where applications are event-driven, meaning that they react to events that occur in the system. Kafka can be used to stream events from Next.js to other applications, which allows them to react to events in real time.
  • Log aggregation: Kafka can be used to aggregate logs from different applications. This allows you to centralize your logs and make it easier to troubleshoot problems.
  • Chat applications: Kafka can be used to build chat applications. This allows you to send messages between users in real time.
  • Streaming media: Kafka can be used to stream media content, such as live video or audio. This allows you to deliver media content to users in real-time.

Next.js and Kafka are both open-source technologies that have a large and active community. This means that you can find plenty of resources and support online if you run into any issues.

Setting up your Next.js application

Before we can integrate Next.js with Apache Kafka, we need to set up our Next.js application. This will involve installing Next.js, creating a basic Next.js app, and configuring it for data collection.

Installing Next.js

The first step is to install Next.js. You can do this using npm, the Node.js package manager. To install Next.js, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to your project directory.
  3. Type `npm install next` and hit enter.

This will install Next.js and all its dependencies in your project directory.

Creating a basic Next.js app

Next, we need to create a basic Next.js app. You can do this using the following commands:

  1. Type `npx create-next-app` in your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Follow the prompts to create your app. You can choose a name for your app, select a template, and configure other options.
  3. Type `npm run dev` to start the development server. This will launch your app in your default browser.

Once your app is running, you can start building it out and adding functionality.

With a basic Next.js app set up, we're now ready to integrate it with Apache Kafka and start building more advanced functionality.

Setting up your Apache Kafka environment

Now that our Next.js application is set up, we need to set up Apache Kafka.

Installing Apache Kafka

The first step is to install Apache Kafka. You can do this by following the installation instructions on the Apache Kafka website. Make sure to download the version that is compatible with your operating system.

Once you have downloaded the installation package, you can extract it to a directory of your choice.

For more details, check out Kafka quickstart guide.

Configuring Apache Kafka

Once you have installed Apache Kafka, you need to configure it. You need to set up Kafka servers and Kafka topics. This is optional but if you wish, you can set up ZooKeeper as well.

ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services. It is used by Kafka to maintain its configuration and state information.

Kafka servers are the nodes that form the Kafka cluster. They are responsible for storing and managing the messages that are produced and consumed by the Kafka system.

To configure Kafka, you need to modify the server properties file in the config directory of your Kafka installation. This file contains the configuration settings for your Kafka servers.

To configure ZooKeeper, you need to modify the file in the config directory of your Kafka installation. This file contains the configuration settings for your ZooKeeper servers.

Creating Kafka topics for your Next.js app

Next, we need to create Kafka topics for our Next.js app. Kafka topics are logical groupings of messages that can be read by consumers.

To create a Kafka topic, you can use the Kafka command line interface. Here's an example of how to create a Kafka topic:

bin/ --create --topic nextjs-events --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

This command creates a topic with the topic name "nextjs-events". The topic is created with one partition and a replication factor of one. The replication factor determines how many copies of each message are stored in the Kafka cluster.

Once you have created your Kafka topics, you can start producing and consuming messages using the Kafka API.

Integrating Next.js with Apache Kafka

This integration can allow you to publish and subscribe to streams of records.

Now that both our Next.js application and Apache Kafka are set up, we can integrate them to create a powerful, real-time application.

There are many ways to collect and send data from a Next.js app, depending on your specific requirements. You might use a library like Axios or Fetch along with Kafka REST proxy (e.g. kafka-http, dory, kafka-rest) to make API requests to your Kafka backend, or you might use a more specialized Kafka client library such as kafka-node to interact with Apache Kafka directly.

Regardless of the approach you choose, it's important to ensure that your data collection is secure and compliant with any relevant regulations or standards. This might involve encrypting user data, using secure protocols (such as HTTPS/SSL), or implementing other security measures.

In this tutorial, we will cover how to send data using Kafka Client libraries

Installing a Kafka client library for Node.js

In order to connect our Next.js app to Apache Kafka, we need to install one of the Kafka client libraries. Kafka has multiple client libraries for Node.js, you can use any of them to connect with Kafka from your Next.js app:

  • kafka-node
  • node-rdkafka
  • kafka-java-bridge
  • prozess
  • node-kafka

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use `kafka-node`.

`kafka-node` can be installed with the following command:

npm install kafka-node --save

Connecting your Next.js app to Apache Kafka

Once we have installed the Kafka client library (e.g. kafka-node), we need to connect our Next.js app to Apache Kafka. This involves creating a Kafka producer that sends messages to our Kafka topics.

If we’re using kafka-node library, we need to create a Kafka client as follows:

const kafka = require('kafka-node');
const client = new kafka.KafkaClient({ kafkaHost: '' });

Now our Next.js app has a connection established with our Kafka instance. We can use this connection to send data to Kafka now.

Sending data from Next.js to Apache Kafka

Finally, we can send data from our Next.js app to Apache Kafka. Next, we need to create a Kafka producer and then call the `send` method on our Kafka producer.

Here's an example of how to send data to Kafka using kafka-node library:

var Producer = kafka.Producer;
var producer = new Producer(client);
var payloads = [
{ topic: 'topic1', messages: 'hi', partition: 0 },
{ topic: 'topic2', messages: ['hello', 'world', new kafka.KeyedMessage('key', 'message')] }
producer.on('ready', function () {
producer.send(payloads, function (err, data) {
producer.on('error', function (err) {})

The `on` method is used to listen for events on the producer. In this case, we are listening for the `ready` and `error` events.

The `send` method takes an array of messages and a callback function. The messages are sent to the specified Kafka topic, and the callback function is called when the messages have been sent.

And that's it! With these steps, you now know how to send data from your Next.js application to Apache Kafka. You can use this knowledge to build powerful, real-time applications that can handle large amounts of data.


Integrating your Next.js application with Apache Kafka enables you to build powerful, scalable, and real-time applications. Whether you're creating a real-time analytics platform, an event-driven architecture, or a chat application, the combination of Next.js and Kafka offers a robust solution for handling large-scale data streams. The process may seem intricate, but by following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can smoothly set up your environment and begin sending data from your Next.js app to Apache Kafka. As always, remember to ensure your data collection is secure and compliant with relevant regulations. Check out RudderStack's Next js site to Apache Kafka integration.

Don't want to go through the pain of direct integration? RudderStack's Javascript SDK makes it easy to send data from your Next.js site to Apache Kafka .