How To Send Data From Your Java App to Amazon Event Bridge

Amazon Event Bridge is a serverless event bus offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to decouple and integrate your applications with various AWS services. This article will explore how to send data from your Java application to Amazon Event Bridge so you can take advantage of its capabilities.

What is Amazon Event Bridge?

Amazon Event Bridge is a fully managed serverless event router service that simplifies the process of building event-driven applications in the cloud. It provides a serverless, event-driven infrastructure for ingesting, transforming, and routing events between different applications and services in a reliable and scalable manner.

Event Bridge provides a fully managed infrastructure, so you don't have to worry about provisioning or managing servers. It automatically scales to handle high-scale event ingestion and processing, ensuring your application can handle any event load.

Benefits of Using Amazon Event Bridge

Amazon Event Bridge is most commonly used for use cases such as decoupling application components, workflow automation, and real-time monitoring. Amazon Event Bridge provides several benefits:

  1. Scalability: Amazon Event Bridge is designed to handle high-scale event ingestion and processing, allowing your application to scale seamlessly as the event load increases. This means that you don't have to worry about your application's performance, even when dealing with a large number of events.
  2. Flexibility: With Amazon Event Bridge, you can serverlessly integrate your Java application with various AWS services. This lets you focus on writing code and building your application rather than worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
  3. Reliability: Amazon Event Bridge ensures reliable event delivery and provides built-in safeguards to handle failures and retries, ensuring that your events reach their intended destinations. This means you can trust that your events will be delivered reliably, even in the face of failures.
  4. Easy Integration: Amazon Event Bridge offers seamless integration with AWS services and provides SDKs for popular programming languages like Java. This makes it easy to connect your Java application with other AWS services and leverage their capabilities in your event-driven architecture.

Setting up Amazon Event Bridge

To integrate a Java App with Amazon Event Bridge, you’ll need a basic understanding of Event Bridge core concepts, and you’ll need to set up an account. We’ll cover this in the quick start guide below:

What are Events?

Events are the data from a source application that describe changes in its state. An event indicates a change or an update and typically provides data about this change. For instance, an e-commerce application might produce an event when an order is placed.

Sign in to the AWS management console

Login to your AWS account or create an account if you haven’t already. Visit the official Amazon EventBridge website to learn about pricing and signup/login. Navigate to the EventBridge console by searching for "EventBridge."

Create a custom event bus

An event bus receives events from sources and routes them to targets based on rules. AWS accounts have a default event bus, and you can also create custom event buses to handle specific types of events or to segregate event sources.

While AWS provides a default event bus, you can create custom event buses for specific workflows or applications.

Create an event rule

Rules decide how events on an event bus get routed to AWS services or other targets. A rule matches incoming events based on specific patterns and then directs them to one or more targets for processing. Simply define the event pattern (criteria that an event must meet in order to be matched by a rule). You may use a pre-defined template by AWS for this.

Configure targets

When an event matches a rule, it is sent to the associated target. Targets process the event and can be various AWS services, such as AWS Lambda functions, ECS tasks, Step Functions, Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon SNS topics, Amazon SQS queues, or other EventBridge rules. A single rule can specify multiple targets.

Integrating Java application with AWS EventBridge

Now that you’ve set up Event Bridge, it's time to integrate it with your Java application. We will use AWS SDK for Java for this integration. The AWS SDK provides an easy way to interact with AWS APIs.

Installing the AWS SDK for Java

Add the AWS SDK dependency to your project. If you're using Maven, add this to your pom.xml:


Configuring the AWS SDK and creating Event Bridge client

To interact with Amazon Event Bridge from your Java application, you need to create an instance of the EventBridgeClient class provided by the AWS SDK for Java.

Here's an example of creating an Event Bridge client:

Region region = Region.US_EAST_1; // or your preferred region
EventBridgeClient eventBrClient = EventBridgeClient.builder()

`ProfileCredentialsProvider` is a part of the AWS SDK for Java, and it's used to read and use AWS credentials from a profile configuration file, typically located at `~/.aws/credentials`. Here's a basic format of the credentials file:

aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_KEY

Wherever possible, use IAM roles to provide a more secure way to grant permissions to applications running on AWS services.

Now, you’re ready to send events from your Java app to Amazon Event Bridge. We’ll cover how to do this in the next section.

Sending data from your Java application to Amazon Event Bridge

This involves formatting the data and implementing the logic to send the data from your Java application as events to Amazon Event Bridge.

Formatting data for Amazon Event Bridge

Before sending data to Amazon Event Bridge, it's important to format it according to the event schema expected by the target AWS service or application.

Make sure your custom events include the following details:

"detail-type": "event name",
"source": "event source",
"detail": {

Let’s name your event data variable `eventsJsonData` and we will use this in the next section.

Make a PutEventsRequest to Event Bridge

Implementing the logic to send data to Amazon Event Bridge depends on the specific requirements of your Java application and the event source being used.

But as a general approach, you can make a PutEventsRequest via your `EventBridgeClient` instance to send the data to Amazon Event Bridge.

Here's an example:

PutEventsRequestEntry entry = PutEventsRequestEntry.builder()
PutEventsRequest eventsRequest = PutEventsRequest.builder()

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Monitoring and troubleshooting your integration with Amazon Event Bridge is an essential part of ensuring the smooth and reliable operation of your Java application.

To monitor your Java application, you can use CloudWatch Metrics to track custom metrics and set up alarms to notify you of any performance or availability issues.

You may encounter certain issues or errors while integrating your Java application with Amazon Event Bridge. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

  • Authentication Errors: Ensure that your AWS credentials are correctly set up and have the required permissions for accessing Event Bridge. Double-check the access key and secret key.
  • Invalid Event Data: Verify that the data sent to Event Bridge is properly formatted according to the target service's event schema. Check the payload and schema compatibility.
  • Network Connectivity: Check your network connectivity and ensure your Java application can communicate with Event Bridge. Verify that your security groups and network configurations allow outbound connections to the required AWS endpoints.

By following the best practices and troubleshooting guidelines provided by AWS, you can quickly resolve issues and ensure that your Java application seamlessly sends data to Amazon Event Bridge. For more details, check out the official AWS SDK docs.


With this comprehensive guide, you can now send events from your Java application to Amazon Event Bridge. By leveraging the power of event-driven architectures, you can create scalable, reliable, and flexible applications that seamlessly integrate with a wide range of AWS services. Start exploring the possibilities of Amazon Event Bridge and take your Java applications to the next level of cloud-native capabilities.

Don't want to go through the pain of direct integration? RudderStack's Java SDK makes it easy to send data from your Java app to Amazon Event Bridge.