Ecommerce Events Specification

Understand the various ecommerce events captured by RudderStack.

This guide gives you a detailed description of the various RudderStack SDKs ecommerce events along with their properties. It also describes how RudderStack uses this data to help you define customer journey on an ecommerce platform.

Event lifecycle overview

RudderStack supports the following ecommerce events that form a vital part of the customer’s product journey:


The following events are associated with a user’s browsing activities on the website:

Products SearchedUser searching for products
Product List ViewedUser views a list or category of products
Product List FilteredUser filters a product list or category


The following events are associated with a user’s interaction with the website promotions:

Promotion ViewedUser views a promotion on the website
Promotion ClickedUser clicks on a promotion on the website


The following events are associated with a user’s product ordering activities:

Product ClickedUser clicks on a product
Product ViewedUser views a product and its details
Product AddedUser adds a product to their shopping cart
Product RemovedUser removes a product from their shopping cart
Cart ViewedUser views their shopping cart
Checkout StartedUser starts checkouts process
Checkout Step ViewedUser views a checkout step
Checkout Step CompletedUser completes a checkout step
Payment Info EnteredUser adds payment information
Order CompletedUser completes an order
Order UpdatedUser updates a placed order
Order RefundedUser initiates an order refunded
Order CancelledUser cancels an order


The following events are associated with a user’s interactions with the website’s coupon facilities for availing discounts:

Coupon EnteredUser enters a coupon
Coupon AppliedCoupon is applied successfully to an order or shopping cart
Coupon DeniedCoupon is not valid and denied
Coupon RemovedUser removes a coupon from an order or shopping cart


The following actions are associated with a user’s activities related to adding or removing product/s from their wishlist:

Product Added to WishlistUser adds a product to their wishlist
Product Removed from WishlistUser removes a product from their wishlist
Wishlist Product Added to CartUser adds a wishlisted product to their cart


The following events are associated with user activities when they share the product or cart list others:

Product SharedUser shares a product with one or more friends
Cart SharedUser shares a shopping cart with one or more friends


The following events are associated with a user posting a product review:

Product ReviewedUser reviews a product

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