
Get started with the RudderStack Page API call.

The page call lets you record your website’s page views with any additional relevant information about the viewed page. Many destinations require the page events to be called at least once every page load.

The RudderStack JavaScript SDK includes a page method in its snippet just after the rudderanalytics.load method.

Sample payload

Here is a sample payload of a page call after removing the common fields:

  "type": "page",
  "name": "Home",
  "properties": {
    "title": "Home | RudderStack",
    "url": ""

The corresponding event that generates the above payload via the JavaScript SDK is:"Home")

The JavaScript SDK automatically gathers the page title and url and passes them into the event payload.

However, note that the HTTP API or the server-side SDKs do not automatically capture these properties.

Send a sample page call

Use RudderStack’s Event Playground app to send sample events to RudderStack and test the data flow without any instrumentation.

Click Send to see the API call in the Network tab of your browser’s developer tools.

To send test events to your account:

  1. Sign in to the RudderStack dashboard. Note the data plane URLThe data plane URL is the location where events are routed and sent to the RudderStack backend for processing. You can find this URL in the home page of your RudderStack dashboard. at the top of the default Connections page.
Data plane URL
  1. Set up a source and note its write keyThe write key (or source write key) is a unique identifier for your source. RudderStack uses this key to send events from a source to the specified destination. .
JavaScript SDK source write key
  1. Click Use My Account in the Event Playground app and specify the write key and data plane URL.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Select the required API Method from the dropdown, edit the relevant fields or traits/properties, and click Send to my account.
  4. To verify the data flow, go to the Live Events viewer of your source.

Page fields

Apart from the common fields, the page call accepts the following fields:

nameStringOptionalThe name of the page.
propertiesObjectOptionalIncludes the properties of the page like the url, referrer, etc.
For more information, see the Properties section below.


Properties are additional information that describe the viewed page.

RudderStack has reserved some standard properties listed in the following table and handles them in a special manner. For instance, path should always be the URL path of the page and referrer should be the URL of the previously viewed page.


The page name. This is a reserved property for future use.

pathStringThe path component of the page URL.

Full page URL. RudderStack first looks for the canonical URL. If it is not present, RudderStack uses the location.href component from the DOM API.

titleStringThe page title.

The full URL of the previous page visited by the user.


The querystring component of the page URL.


A list or array of keywords describing the page. These keywords are similar to the keywords used for SEO purposes. This property is not automatically collected.

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