Vero web device mode

Send events to Vero via RudderStack web device mode.

RudderStack lets you send your event data to Vero via web device mode.


The identify call lets you identify a user and associate them to their actions. It also lets you record any traits about them like their name, email, etc.

A sample identify call is shown below:

rudderanalytics.identify("1hKOmRA4GRlm", {
  "email": "",
  "gender": "Male",
  "randomKey": "randomData"

Supported mappings

The following table lists the mapping of the RudderStack traits to the corresponding Vero properties:

RudderStack traitVero propertyPresence
email is an optional field. However, if it is absent, Vero will not be able to send any emails to the user, so it is recommended to have this trait in the event.
If userId is absent, RudderStack maps anonymousId to Vero’s id field to create or update the user.


The track call lets you capture user events along with the properties associated with them.

You need to first create a user by explicitly calling identify before making any track calls to Vero. Otherwise, the track calls will fail.

A sample track event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Product Viewed", {
  SKU: "P001",
  "revenue": 77.6,
  "currency": "USD",
  "review_id": "R1619" 
Vero API does not differentiate between the upper or lower case letters, spaces, and underscores in the event names. For example, Vero matches the Purchased Item, purchased item, and purchased_item as the same event.

Supported mappings

The following table lists the mapping of the RudderStack properties to the corresponding Vero properties:

RudderStack propertyVero propertyPresence

Unsubscribing and resubscribing users

RudderStack supports unsubscribing and resubscribing users in Vero by passing the userId in the track call:

rudderanalytics.track("unsubscribe", {
  userId: "1hKOmRA4el9Zt1WSfVJIVo4GRlm"


The page call lets you record your website’s page views with any additional relevant information about the viewed page.

A sample page call is shown below:
  "Cart Viewed", {
    path: "/best-seller/1",
    referrer: "",
    search: "estore bestseller",
    title: "The best sellers offered by EStore",
    url: ""


RudderStack sends the alias events to change a user’s identifier (id) in Vero.

A sample alias call is shown below:

rudderanalytics.alias("userId", "previousId");

Supported mappings

The following table lists the mapping of the RudderStack properties to the corresponding Vero properties:

RudderStack propertyVero propertyPresence

Adding and removing tags

RudderStack supports adding and removing tags to all identify, track, and page calls by passing them via the integrations object. An example snippet is shown below:

  "1hKOmRA4GRlm", {
    email: ""
  }, {
    integrations: {
      Vero: {
        tags: {
          add: ["tag1", "tag2"],
          remove: ["tag3"]

You can then view the updated tags associated with that user in the Vero dashboard:

User tags in Vero dashboard

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack