Singular device mode

Send events from RudderStack to Singular via device mode.

RudderStack lets you send your events to Singular via device mode using the mobile SDKs.

Adding device mode integration

After you set up Singular as a destination in RudderStack, follow these steps to add it to your project, depending on your platform of integration.


For device mode integrations, the Singular SDK uses RudderStack’s identify method to map the user ID to their custom user ID. RudderStack uses Singular’s setCustomUserId API to forward the identified user ID to Singular.

A sample identify call for both the Android and iOS SDKs is shown below:


The track call lets you capture any user actions and the properties associated with them. Each user action is considered to be an event.

Tracking custom events

A custom track call lets you track custom events as they occur in your apps. RudderStack sends these calls to Singular where they are processed as custom post-install events and are made available in the relevant reports.

A sample custom track call for both the Android and iOS SDKs is shown below:

Tracking revenue

Singular supports tracking revenue events. It implements revenue tracking whenever an event containing the revenue property is sent(including a zero value). Optionally, you can also pass the currency field as an ISO code.

The default currency is set to USD.

A sample revenue track call is shown below:


The screen method allows you to record whenever a user sees the mobile screen, along with any associated optional properties. This call is similar to the page call for the web applications but exclusive to your mobile device.

A sample screen call for both the Android and iOS SDKs is shown below:

e above snippet, RudderStack captures all information related to the viewed screen, along with any additional info about the screen.

RudderStack sends the screen event to Singular as a custom event.


The reset method resets the current user’s identity and creates a new anonymous session. It should be called when a user logs out.

RudderStack calls Singular’s unsetCustomUserId method to reset a user’s identity.

A sample reset call for both the Android and iOS SDKs is shown below:

Implementing SKAdNetwork (SKAN) support

Add the following code before the initialization of the iOS SDK to give the control to Singular for your SKAdNetwork integration:

[RudderSingularIntegration setSKANOptions:YES
        withConversionValueUpdatedHandler:^(NSInteger conversionValue){
    // Receive a callback whenever the Conversion Value is updated
    NSLog(@"SKAN handler %ld",conversionValue);
For more details, refer to the iOS SDK: Adding SKAdNetwork Support section of the Singular documentation.

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