Send your event data from RudderStack to Rakuten.
Rakuten provides a robust affiliate marketing ecosystem to expand your reach by connecting with a vast and engaged audience across multiple channels.
Find the open source code for this destination in the GitHub repository.
- In your RudderStack dashboard, go to Directory > Destinations > Cloud Destinations and search for Rakuten.
- Connect your source and click Continue.
Connection settings
Configure the following settings to set up Rakuten as a destination in RudderStack:
- Name: Assign a name to uniquely identify the destination.
- Merchant ID: Enter the numeric merchant ID that uniquely identifies you in the Rakuten marketing system.
Connection mode
Destination info |
- Status: Beta
- Supported sources:
React Native
- Refer to it as RAKUTEN in the Integrations object.
Connection modes
Source | Cloud mode | Device mode | Hybrid mode |
AMP |  |  |  |
Android |  |  |  |
Cloud |  |  |  |
Cordova |  |  |  |
Flutter |  |  |  |
iOS |  |  |  |
React Native |  |  |  |
Shopify |  |  |  |
Unity |  |  |  |
Warehouse |  |  |  |
Web |  |  |  |
Supported message types |
Source | Identify | Page | Track | Screen | Group | Alias | Record |
Cloud mode |
Supported sources |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
You can use the RudderStack track
event to track events along with any associated properties and send this information to Rakuten.
A sample track
event is shown below:
rudderananlytics.track('event', {
orderId: "OR122441",
land: 1234,
ranSiteId: "823421983a3-231824ft12-e12-gh1208b12-14"
products: [{
sku: 'sku1',
amount: '8' // instead of 10 for 20% discount
quantity: 1,
name: 'Product1'
sku: 'sku2',
amount: 81 // instead of 90 for 10% discount
quantity: 2,
name: 'Product2'
Property mappings
RudderStack maps the following properties to the Rakuten fields:
RudderStack property | Rakuten property | Limitations |
Required | ord | <40 non-blank characters |
Required | land | Should be present as YYYYMMDD_HHMM in the GMT 24-hour format.
Note: This is the datetime value set in the cookie of your Rakuten Marketing-specific gateway page when a customer arrives at your website. |
properties.orderCompletedTime | date | Should be present as YYYYMMDD_HHMM in the GMT 24-hour format.
Note: Represents the date and time of the online completion (Thank You) page. |
properties.alterOrderId | altord | <40 characters
Note: Alternative version of the reported order ID like a backend version, customer-facing version, etc. |
properties.currency | cur | 3 alphanumeric characters matching the currency used by the customer in the transaction. For example, USD , CAD , GBP , JPY , BRL , EUR , AUD . |
properties.credit_card_type | cc | <16 characters |
properties.comm_reason | commreason | <255 characters
Note: Used for reporting only and should be used to show the reason for the commission (iscomm ) flag. |
properties.is_comm | iscomm | -
Note: Specifies if a commission is applicable for an order. |
properties.consumed | consumed | <13 characters Should be formatted as YYYYMMDD_HHMM in the GMT 24-hour format. Note: Expected date when a travel event is consumed. |
properties.coupon | coupon | <128 characters |
properties.userId | custid | <128 characters
Note: Identifier representing the customer like ID, hashed email, etc. Make sure to not pass any PII. Any special characters should be URL-encoded into the hex format. |
properties.custScore | custscore | <16 characters
Note: Represents a score assigned to the customer by the system. It can alphabetical, numeric, or alphanumeric. |
properties.cust_status | custstatus | <32 characters
Note: Represents the status of the customer like new, existing, guest, etc. |
properties.advertising_id | did | <42 characters
Note: Used for the advertising ID of the mobile device. |
properties.discount_amount | disamt | <9 characters |
properties.ord_status | ordstatus | <32 characters
Note: Represents the order status assigned by the system. |
properties.ranSiteID | tr | <34 characters
Note: Set in a cookie of your Rakuten Marketing-specific gateway page. Can include mixed-case letters, numbers, and special characters like - , . , _ , / , and * . |
properties.segment | segment | <32 characters
Note: Represents the customer segment. |
properties.ship_country | shipcountry | <3 characters
Note: The country where the order is to be shipped. Must follow the ISO 3-character country code. |
properties.shipped | shipped | Should be present as YYYYMMDD_HHMM in the GMT 24-hour format.
Note: Expected date when the order will be shipped. |
context.page.url | sitename | <128 characters
Note: Identifier representing where the conversion took place like domain name of the site. Any special characters should be URL-encoded in the hex format. |
properties.store_id | storeid | <255 characters
Note: Represents the category of the store where the conversion occurred. |
properties.store_category | storecat | -
Note: Represents the category name for the store where the conversion occurred. |
Item-level mappings
RudderStack maps the following item-level properties to the Rakuten properties:
RudderStack property | Rakuten property | Limitations |
Required | skulist.$ | - |
Required | amtlist.$ | - |
Required | qlist.$ | - |
Required | namelist.$ | - |
product.$.brand | brandlist.$ | <255 characters. |
product.$.coupon | couponlist.$ | -
Note: Holds a pipe-delimited list of item-level coupons applied to the order. Order of values in this list must match the order of values in skulist . Multiple item-level coupon codes are not allowed. |
product.$.categoryId | catidlist.$ | <128 characters
Note: You can specify up to 5 category IDs per item separated by > . For example, (1001>2001>3001) |
product.$.category | catlist.$ | <255 characters
Note: You can specify up to 5 category IDs per item separated by > . For example, (ParentCat>ChildCat1>ChildCat2) |
product.$.discountAmount | disamtlist.$ | <9 characters
Note: Pipe delimited list of item-specific discount amounts formatted as a number. Values must match the order of values in skulist . |
product.$.discountType | distypelist.$ | <256 characters
Note: Pipe delimited list of item-level discount types. Order of values must match of values in skulist . Special characters should be URL-encoded in hex format. |
product.$.isClearance | isclearancelist.$ | Acceptable values are Y or N
Note: Pipe delimited list of flags indicating if the item is on clearance. Values must match the order of values in skulist . |
product.$.isMarketPlace | ismarketplacelist.$ | Acceptable values are Y or N
Note: Pipe delimited list of flags indicating if the item is from a marketplace. Values must match the order of values in skulist . |
product.$.isSale | issalelist.$ | Acceptable values are Y or N
Note: Pipe delimited list of flags indicating if the item is on sale. Values must match the order of values in skulist . |
product.$.itmStatus | itmstatuslist.$ | <32 characters
Note: Pipe delimited list of item-level statuses. Order of values in this list must match the order of values in skulist . Possible values are In-Stock , Back-Ordered , etc. Special characters must be URL-encoded in hex format. |
product.$.margin | marginlist.$ | <3 characters
Note: Pipe delimited list representing profit margin of the products. Order of values in this list must match the order of values in skulist . |
product.$.markdown | markdownlist.$ | <6 characters
Note: Pipe delimited list representing markdown rate of an item. Order of values in this list must match the order of values in skulist . |
product.$.sequence | sequencelist.$ | <4 characters.
Note: Identifies the sequence of items included in a shipment or return. |
product.$.shipby | shipbylist.$ | <32 characters
Note: Pipe delimited list of strings identifying who shipped the item. Possible values are Store if the item is shipped from a physical store, Fulfullment Vendor X if shipped by a fulfillment partner, etc. Special characters must be URL-encoded in hex format. |
product.$.shipID | shipidlist.$ | <32 characters
Note: Identifies a collection of items that are shipped or returned together. |
product.$.taxexempt | taxexemptlist.$ | Acceptable values are Y or N
Note: Pipe delimited list of flags indicating if the item is tax-exempt. Rakuten then reduces the transaction amount by a defined tax rate. |
Discount reporting
For accurate discount reporting, make sure to report only product discounts or discounts that reduce a product subtotal. Do not include free shipping in the discount amount.
Suppose a customer purchases 1 item of SKU A for $10.00 and 2 items of SKU B for $45.00 each and then redeems a 10% order-level discount. In that case, Rakuten provides two options for reporting discounts:
- Reduced item reporting (preferred)
- Discounts as SKU
Reduced item reporting

Rakuten prescribes this reporting method for selected goods commissioning, that is, if you want to commission by product type.
In this case, you can adjust the reported amount value to reflect the applied discounts. In the above example, you can send the amounts in a product
array as $9.00 and $81.00 respectively for the two SKUs.
For multiple item purchases, disperse the discounts accordingly among each value in the total amount value.
Discounts as SKU

Rakuten prescribes this method if you intend to set the same commission on all goods.
For this reporting model, add an extra value to the sku
, quantity
, amount
, and the product name
fields that depict the discount.
- For
, and name
, use the string Discount
. - For
, use 0
. - For
, use the negative dollar value of the discount.
A sample track
event highlighting this method is shown:
rudderananlytics.track('event', {
products: [{
sku: 'sku1',
amount: '100'
quantity: 1
sku: 'Discount',
name: 'Discount',
amount: -10 // Total discount of 10
quantity: 0
Why are products commissionable even if iscomm
is set to N
Note that iscomm
is applicable for the entire order.
Even if you have iscomm=N
in the postback, the transaction is still commissionable in Rakuten. You need to explicitly set the dynamic commissioning rules (for example, if iscomm
equals N
, pay $0 commission) in the Rakuten dashboard to avoid paying commission for a particular order.
How can I report a returned item in Order Cancelled
or Partially Cancelled
Suppose a customer returns two items of SKU A and one item of SKU B, the cancellation records would look like below:
rudderananlytics.track('event', {
orderId: "ord123",
land: 1133,
ranSiteId: "846t21983y3-231824et12-e12-ey1208e12-14",
cur: 'USD',
products: [{
sku: 'A',
amount: '-200'
quantity: 2,
name: 'name_1'
sku: 'B',
amount: -10
quantity: 1,
name: 'name_2'
Note that the quantity shows the number of returned items and price is negative, reflecting the return. Quantity is not a negative number for returns unless the price in the original order was zero.
You must also account for any discounts applied during the order cancellation. For reduced item discount reporting, note that:
- If you are using discount as a SKU option, send a cancellation record for the discount SKU item in addition to the regular SKUs of the order for cancellation.
Questions? Contact us by email or on