
Send your event data from RudderStack to Mouseflow.

Mouseflow is a behavioral analytics platform that gives you deeper insights into your users’ product journey.

RudderStack supports Mouseflow as a destination where you can send your event data seamlessly.

Getting started

RudderStack supports sending event data to Mouseflow via the following connection modes:

Connection ModeWebMobileServer
Device modeSupported--
Cloud mode---
In a web device mode integration, that is, using JavaScript SDK as a source, the Mouseflow native SDK is loaded from domain. Based on your website’s content security policy, you might need to allowlist this domain to load the Mouseflow SDK successfully.

Once you have confirmed that the source platform supports sending events to Mouseflow, follow these steps:

  1. From your RudderStack dashboard, add the source. Then, from the list of destinations, select Mouseflow.
  2. Assign a name to the destination and click Continue.

Connection settings

To successfully configure Mouseflow as a destination, you need to configure the following settings:

Mouseflow connection settings
  • Website ID: Enter your Mouseflow website ID.
For more information on obtaining your Mouseflow website ID, refer to the FAQ section below.
  • Client-side Events Filtering: This setting lets you specify which events should be blocked or allowed to flow through to Mouseflow.
For more information on this setting, refer to the Client-side Events Filtering guide.
  • Use device mode to send events: As this is a device mode-only destination, this setting is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
  • OneTrust Cookie Categories: This setting lets you map OneTrust cookie/consent groups to RudderStack’s consent purposes.


The identify call lets you identify a visiting user and associate them to their actions. It also lets you record their traits like name, email address, etc. and send this information to Mouseflow.

A sample identify call is shown below:

rudderanalytics.identify("1hKOmRA4GRlm", {
  "email": "",
  "city": "New Orleans",
  "favouriteColor": "Red"

Supported mappings

RudderStack maps the following user traits to the corresponding Mouseflow properties:

RudderStack propertyMouseflow propertyPresence
userId / / anonymousId_userNameRequired

Identifying a user

RudderStack sends the userId / email / anonymousId to Mouseflow as _userName via the identifying a user method:


Setting custom variables

You can also send the user details present in the traits as key-value pair to Mouseflow. RudderStack passes them as custom variables to Mouseflow:

_mfq.push(["setVariable", _key, _value])
The values in the key-value pairs passed as custom variables should be either strings or numbers. RudderStack will not pass the values with any other data type, for example, Boolean.
You can also set custom variables by passing them via the event’s integrations object. Refer to the Setting custom variables via the section below for more information.

The following snippets highlight how the data in the sample identify call above is sent to Mouseflow:

// Sending userId

// Sending user traits as custom variables
_mfq.push(["setVariable", "city", "New Orleans"]);
_mfq.push(["setVariable", "email", ""]);
_mfq.push(["setVariable", "favouriteColor", "Red"]);


You can use the RudderStack track call to set tags or custom variables in Mouseflow.

A sample track call is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Product Clicked",{
	"price": 100,
	"quantity": 10,

Setting custom tags

RudderStack lets you set a custom tag to a user recording by using Mouseflow’s Tagging a recording method.

RudderStack automatically sets the track event name as the custom tag.

The below table highlights the property mapping:

RudderStack propertyMouseflow propertyPresence
A Mouseflow tag must always be of the String data type.

In the sample track call above, RudderStack sets Product Clicked as the custom tag by passing it to Mouseflow in the following way:

_mfq.push(["tag", "Product Clicked"]);

Setting custom variables

RudderStack also lets you pass the track event properties as custom variables to Mouseflow in the form of key-value pairs.

The values in the key-value pairs should be either strings or numbers. RudderStack will not pass the values with any other data type, for example, Boolean.

In the sample track call above, RudderStack sets price and quantity as the custom variables:

_mfq.push(["setVariable", "price", "100"]);
_mfq.push(["setVariable", "quantity", "10"]);
You can also set custom variables by passing them via the event’s integrations object. Refer to the Setting custom variables via the section below for more information.


The page call lets you send the path of the web page viewed by the user to Mouseflow.

A sample page call is shown below:{
  path: "/test_browser.html",

RudderStack sends the page-related information like the path or the page URL to Mouseflow using the Adding a virtual pageview%3B-,Adding%20a%20virtual%20pageview,-_mfq.push) method:

_mfq.push(["newPageView", _virtualPath]);

Supported mappings

You can customize the page-related details sent to Mouseflow by passing the values in the properties.path field. RudderStack then maps these details to the _virtualPath parameter before sending them to Mouseflow, as highlighted in the below table:

RudderStack propertyMouseflow propertyPresence
properties.path / context.path_virtualPathRequired

The following snippet highlights how RudderStack sends the data in the sample page call above to Mouseflow:

_mfq.push(["newPageView", "/test_browser.html"]);

Setting custom variables via the integrations object

RudderStack enables you to send custom variables to Mouseflow via the identify and track calls by passing them via the integrations object.

A sample identify call highlighting this feature is shown below:

  "1hKOmRA4GRlm", {
    name: "Test User",
    gender: "Male",
  }, {
    integrations: {
      All: true,
      Mouseflow: {
        customVariables: {
          conversionRate: "100",
          total: 4,

The corresponding Mouseflow dashboard view containing these custom variables is shown below:

Mouseflow custom variables in dashboard view
RudderStack uses Mouseflow’s Setting a custom variable method to send the tags.


Where can I find the website ID in Mouseflow?

To get the website ID in Mouseflow, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Mouseflow dashboard.
  2. Click the Website Settings icon:
Mouseflow website ID
  1. You will find your website ID listed here.
Mouseflow website ID

Alternate method

You can also fetch the website ID by clicking on the Installation icon present in your website’s card:

Mouseflow website ID

Then, choose your installation method from Google Tag Manager, Wordpress, and HTML.

  • If you choose Google Tag Manager as your installation method, you can find the website ID as seen below:
Mouseflow website ID GTM
  • If you choose Wordpress, you can find the website ID in the following line of the code snippet:
mf.src = "//<website_id>.js"
Mouseflow website ID Wordpress
  • If you choose HTML, you can find the website ID in the in the following line of the tracking code:
mf.src = "//<website_id>.js"
Mouseflow website ID HTML

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack