
Send your event data from RudderStack to Monetate.

Monetate is a personalization platform that allows you to create unique customer experiences. Its state-of-the-art features allow you to increase customer engagement, boost conversion rates, and improve overall sales.

RudderStack allows you to send your event data from your client-side or server-side components to Monetate. This guide will help you set up, configure, and use Monetate for your project.

Find the open source transformer code for this destination in the GitHub repository.

Connection compatibility

Destination info
  • Status: Generally Available
  • Supported sources: Android, iOS , Web, Cloud, Warehouse, React Native , Unity, AMP , Flutter, Cordova, Shopify
  • Refer to it as MONETATE in the Integrations object.

Connection modes
SourceCloud modeDevice modeHybrid mode
AMPsupportednot supportednot supported
Androidsupportednot supportednot supported
Cloudsupportednot supportednot supported
Cordovasupportednot supportednot supported
Fluttersupportednot supportednot supported
iOSsupportednot supportednot supported
React Nativesupportednot supportednot supported
Shopifysupportednot supportednot supported
Unitysupportednot supportednot supported
Warehousesupportednot supportednot supported
Websupportednot supportednot supported
Supported message types
Cloud mode
Supported sourcesnot supportedsupportedsupportedsupportednot supportednot supported

Get started

Once you have confirmed that the platform supports sending events to Monetate, perform the steps below:

  • From your RudderStack dashboard, add the source and select Monetate from the list of destinations.
  • Name your destination, and click Next. You should be able to see the following screen:

Connection Settings for Monetate

  • The connection settings are described in more details below:
    • Monetate Channel - Enter the name of the Monetate channel you would like to send your events to.
    • Retailer Short Name - Your Monetate account’s retailer short name goes here.
  • After filling in these values, click Next to complete the setup. Monetate should now be added and enabled as a destination in RudderStack.


This destination does not strictly adhere to the RudderStack Ecommerce Event Spec.

For each track call you make, we send the data to Monetate using Monetate’s Engine API.

The table below summarizes the various Monetate events and properties sent by RudderStack:

The Monetate event is sent only if the corresponding RudderStack key is present.
RudderStack KeyMonetate EventMonetate Event Properties
context.ipmonetate:context:IpAddressipAddress : context.ip
"" OR ""monetate:context:PageViewurl: page.url, path: page.path, categories: [page.category], breadcrumbs: [page.breadcrumbs]
context.referrer.urlmonetate:context:Referrerreferrer: context.referrer.url
context.screenmonetate:context:ScreenSizeheight: context.screen.height, width: context.screen.width
context.userAgentmonetate:context:UserAgentuserAgent : context.userAgent
RudderStack also sends monetateId along with the events if you send monetateId in the event’s properties.

RudderStack sends an additional event to Monetate for the following ecommerce events :

RudderStack EventMonetate Event
Product Viewedmonetate:context:ProductDetailView
Product List Viewedmonetate:context:ProductThumbnailView
Product Addedmonetate:context:Cart
Cart Viewedmonetate:context:Cart
Order Completedmonetate:context:Purchase

The code snippet below shows a sample track call :

rudderanalytics.track("Form Submitted", {
  plan: "trial",
  country: "UK",


For each screen call, RudderStack sends the following events to Monetate:

RudderStack KeyMonetate EventMonetate Event Properties
context.screenmonetate:context:ScreenSizeheight: context.screen.height, width: context.screen.width
Note that RudderStack sends the Monetate event only if the corresponding RudderStack key is present.

The code snippet below shows a sample screen call :

[[RudderClient sharedInstance] screen:@"Main"
            properties:@{@"prop_key" : @"prop_value"}];


For each page call, RudderStack sends the following events to Monetate:

RudderStack KeyMonetate EventMonetate Event Properties
"" OR ""monetate:context:PageViewurl: page.url, path: page.path, categories: [page.category], breadcrumbs: [page.breadcrumbs]
context.referrer.urlmonetate:context:Referrerreferrer: context.referrer.url
Note that RudderStack sends the Monetate event only if the corresponding RudderStack key is present.

The code snippet below shows a sample page call :"HomePage", {
  path: "/homepage",
  url: "",

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack