Connect a Reverse ETL source to HubSpot

Configure a Reverse ETL source with your HubSpot destination.

This guide takes you through the required scopes, predefined identifiers, and creating the association between the object records while connecting a Reverse ETL source to HubSpot destination.

Required scopes

If you’re connecting a Reverse ETL source to HubSpot that uses a private app access token for authentication, make sure your access token has the following scopes:
For more information on adding the above scopes, refer to the HubSpot documentation.

Predefined identifiers

While connecting a Reverse ETL source with HubSpot using the Visual Data Mapper feature, you need to select a HubSpot Object where you want to sync the data. Further, you can choose a warehouse column and HubSpot field to map your records in the Choose identifier section:

HubSpot connection settings

If you select a standard HubSpot Object, the Destination fields dropdown displays the predefined unique identifiers along with any other unique field of the object. These predefined unique identifiers are mentioned in the below table corresponding to the standard HubSpot objects:

Standard HubSpot objectPredefined unique identifiers
CompanyCompany Domain Name
DealDeal Name
Line ItemName
QuoteQuote number

If you select a custom HubSpot Object, only the unique fields of the object are displayed in the Destination fields dropdown.

The values of unique identifiers are case-sensitive and should be sent exactly as they are present in Hubspot.

Creating association between object records

You can create an association between the HubSpot object records while connecting your HubSpot destination to a Reverse ETL source using the Visual Data Mapper feature.


The following pre-requisites must be met to create an association between the HubSpot object records:

  • You must create two separate connections in the RudderStack dashboard using any Reverse ETL source and HubSpot destination as shown:

    HubSpot connection settings

    • The first connection will push data into the HubSpot object. For example, pushing data into a company object.
    • The second connection will create an association between the object records. For example, associating the company and contact objects. You must configure the HubSpot destination in the second connection using the new API and enable the Create associations between object record setting in the RudderStack dashboard. The detailed steps to create this connection are explained in the below section.

Steps to create association

Follow the below steps to create an association between the HubSpot object records:

  1. Add a Reverse ETL source and add the HubSpot destination to it. For detailed steps on adding a source and destination, you can refer to the Reverse ETL Quickstart guide.
  2. While configuring the HubSpot connection settings in the RudderStack dashboard, enable the Create associations between object record setting and click Continue.
  3. Select the required Schema and Table whose data you want to sync to HubSpot.
  4. Select the HubSpot Object for which you want to create the association.
  5. In the next dropdown, select the HubSpot object with which you want to associate the above-mentioned object.
  6. Based on the object selections, the relevant associations (from HubSpot account) are populated in the Association dropdown. You can select the required one:
HubSpot connection settings
  1. In the Choose identifier section, choose a warehouse column and destination field to map your records from the source to the destination. You can choose any destination field from the dropdown which will act as a unique identifier.
HubSpot connection settings
  1. Choose a warehouse column each for From Record ID and To Record ID fields which will act as Hubspot’s unique ID to identify an object.
From Record ID and To Record ID are the column names of the two objects you want to associate. For example, if you want to associate a company and a contact, the From Record ID should be a Company Id and To Record ID should be a Contact Id.
HubSpot connection settings

Similarly, you can create more of such associations between the object records.

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