Connect a Reverse ETL source to Bing Ads Offline Conversions

Configure a Reverse ETL source with your Bing Ads Offline Conversions destination.

This guide takes you through the steps to connect a Reverse ETL source to the Bing Ads Offline Conversions destination.

Set up connection


The Reverse ETL feature supports only source-driven pipeline configuration.

Make sure you have set up a RETL source and connected it to your Bing Ads Offline Conversions destination before following the below steps.

  1. Confirm the connection settings for Bing Ads Offline Conversions destination and click Continue.

  2. In the Data Mapping section, select the Object.

  3. Specify the Sync mode to specify how RudderStack should sync the data to Bing Ads.

  4. In Choose identifier, specify the warehouse column that RudderStack uses to identify your records.


You can map this warehouse column to any of the following Bing Ads fields:

  1. Map the other warehouse columns to specific Bing Ads fields using the Map fields setting.

Supported mappings

RudderStack automatically maps the following schema fields to the corresponding Bing Ads properties depending on the type of operation:


For any field x of the record type:

RudderStack propertyBing Ads property
x.conversionCurrencyCodeConversion Currency Code
x.conversionNameConversion Name
Should be in the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM format.
Conversion Time
x.conversionValueConversion Value
x.clickIdMicrosoft Click ID
x.userId or x.customerIdClient ID
x.externalAttributionCreditExternal Attribution Credit
x.externalAttributionModelExternal Attribution Model
Required for enhanced conversions.
Hashed Email Address
Required for enhanced conversions.
Hashed Phone Number


For any field x of the record type:

RudderStack propertyBing Ads property
restateAdjustment Type
x.conversionCurrencyCodeAdjustment Currency Code
x.conversionNameConversion Name
Should be in the MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM format.
Conversion Time
x.adjustmentTimeAdjustment Time
x.conversionValueAdjustment Value
x.clickIdMicrosoft Click ID
Required for enhanced conversions.
Hashed Email Address
Required for enhanced conversions.
Hashed Phone Number


For any field x of the record type:

RudderStack propertyBing Ads property
retractAdjustment Type
x.conversionNameConversion Name
x.conversionTimeConversion Time
x.clickIdMicrosoft Click ID


Why can’t I add a Reverse ETL source from the destination page?

The Reverse ETL feature supports only source-driven pipeline configuration. It means that you must configure a Reverse ETL source in RudderStack and then connect it to a new or existing destination. Note that this destination should not be connected to any other source.

See Reverse ETL FAQ for more information.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack