Geolocation Enrichment at Source Beta

Enrich source events with geolocation data.
Available Plans
  • starter
  • growth
  • enterprise

This feature is part of our Early Access Program, where we work with early users and customers to test new features and get feedback before making them generally available. These features are functional but can change as we improve them. We recommend connecting with our team before running them in production.

With RudderStack’s geolocation enrichment feature, you can enrich your incoming source events with the following geolocation information:

  • City
  • Country
  • Region
  • Location
  • Postal code
  • Timezone
This feature sends the geolocation-enriched events to all the destinations that are connected to the source. However, note that the destinations may or may not accept the geolocation-enriched properties depending on the event format they support. See FAQ for more information.

Enable geolocation enrichment at source

If you’re hosting RudderStack on-premise, contact the Customer Success team team to enable this feature for your account.

To enrich your source events with geolocation data, add a source in your RudderStack dashboard. Then, go to the Settings tab and turn on the Enable geolocation enrichment toggle.

Geolocation at source
Turning on the Enable geolocation enrichment toggle sends the enriched events to all the destinations connected to the source.

How source-level geolocation enrichment works

The following workflow assumes you have turned on the Enable geolocation enrichment toggle in the RudderStack dashboard:

  1. RudderStack ingests the incoming source event.
  2. It picks the first non-blank value from ip passed by the user in the context object of the event payload or request_ip (automatically collected by RudderStack).
  3. RudderStack enriches the event with the geolocation information at a hardcoded location within the context section (context.geo). A sample geolocation-enriched object is shown:
  "context": {
    "geo": {
      "city": "Gurugram",
      "country": "IN",
      "ip": "",
      "location": "28.459700,77.028200",
      "postal": "122001",
      "region": "Haryana",
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata"
    "ip": ""

Note the following:

  • Ideally, the context object should be a valid map for RudderStack to attach the geolocation enrichment information.
If the object is not a valid map but of some other data type, RudderStack will not change its data type or format. In this case, the context object will remain unchanged and RudderStack will not add the enriched geolocation information in context.geo.
  • If the first non-blank value is invalid, RudderStack updates context.geo as follows:
"context": {
  "geo": {
    "city": "",
    "country": "",
    "ip": "invalid",
    "location": "",
    "postal": "",
    "region": "",
    "timezone": ""
  • If the event payload already has a geo field within the context object, RudderStack will not perform geolocation enrichment. It will not override the existing geo field with the enriched data.
  1. RudderStack then transforms the event into the destination-specific format.
Geolocation enrichment process


This feature leverages the GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from

For more information, see Maxmind license agreement.


Do all the destinations accept the geolocation-enriched source events?

The following destinations accept the geolocation-enriched source events as is:

The other cloud destinations may or not accept the geolocation-enriched event properties, depending on the event format they support.

I want to send the geolocation-enriched events to selective destinations and not all destinations connected to the source. Is this feature helpful?

This feature sends the geolocation-enriched events to all the destinations that are connected to the source. To send events to selective destinations, you can connect the geolocation enrichment transformation to those destinations instead.

  1. Go to the destination in the dashboard. Click the Transformation tab and click Add a transformation:
  2. Click Create Transformation.
  3. Under New Transformation, click Custom transformation.
Add a new transformation
  1. Add the geolocation enrichment transformation code.
  2. Test your transformation and click Save.

What happens if context object is absent in the event payload?

RudderStack adds the context object and includes the enriched geolocation information in it.

What happens if I toggle off the geolocation enrichment setting?

Once you toggle off the Enable geolocation enrichment setting, RudderStack stops the enrichment process almost instantly, even if you have valid IPs coming in your source events.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack