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Profiles UI

Create your Profiles project from the RudderStack dashboard.


While creating a Profiles project, you can choose either of the below:

  • Profile Builder (PB) CLI which gives you the flexibility to create, develop, and debug your Profiles project using various commands in fine detail. You can explore and implement the exhaustive list of features and functionalities offered by Profiles.
  • Profiles UI which provides a step-by-step intuitive workflow in the RudderStack dashboard. You can configure your project, schedule its run, explore the outputs and the user profiles.

This guide lists the detailed steps to create a Profiles project in the RudderStack dashboard.

Create Profiles project

  1. Log in to the RudderStack dashboard and go to Unify > Profiles option in the left sidebar.
  2. Click Create project.
Choose predefined template
  1. Select Basic Entity Setup on the next screen.
Choose predefined template
See Import from Git for more information on Import project from Git Repo option.
  1. Enter a unique name and description for your Profiles project.
  2. Select the data warehouse from the dropdown and the source(s) connected to the warehouse.
RudderStack currently supports the Snowflake, Redshift, Databricks, and BigQuery warehouses for creating a Profiles project. You need to set up the warehouse source in the first place to populate it here in the dropdown.
Choose predefined template
  1. Map the identifiers from above-selected source by selecting the source, event, property, and ID type by clicking Add mapping:
Choose predefined template
  1. Define features either by adding a custom feature or selecting a pre-defined feature as shown:
Choose predefined template
  • To add a custom feature, click Add a custom feature and enter the relevant feature details:
Choose predefined template
  • To use a pre-defined feature, select the required feature from the Template features library.
  1. Select the schedule type.
  2. Enter the warehouse details where you want to store this Profiles project.
  3. Finally, review all the provided details and click Create Profiles project.

Download project

To download the Profiles project, click View corresponding to your Profiles project and click Download this project:

Download Profiles project

Once downloaded, you can view the project folder structure, modify the files, or run various commands to execute the desired use-cases.

Profile details

To view the profile details, click View corresponding to your Profiles project:

OverviewLists the features of your Profiles project.
HistoryDisplays the history of Profile runs.
ExplorerDisplays the preview of first 50 rows of the output tables (features and ID stitching) only after the successful run of the project. You can also search for all the records, by typing in a unique identifier such as user_id, email, etc.
SettingsDisplays your profile settings and lets you delete your Profiles project. You can edit the project by clicking the edit icon next to each section.

Note that:

  • It can take up to thirty minutes for the data preview to show up in your profile’s History tab.
  • If you keep getting a blank screen, it may be because you do not have sufficient access. Make sure you have a Connections Admin resource role with access to PII. In case the problem persists, contact RudderStack support.


When trying to fetch data for a lib project, then data/columns are shown as blank. What should I do?

You’ll need to sync data from a source to a destination. If data is synced from the source you are using and not from some pre-existing tables in the destination, the missing column/data issues should not occur.

I am not able to see Unify tab on the web app though I have admin privileges. What should I do?

Disable any adblockers on your web browser.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack